Just follow these steps to create a clock using notepad and command prompt.
- Open Notepad. (Or Press Start + R > type Notepad > hit Enter)
- Now copy the following code and paste it in the newly created text document.
Title DOS Based Date and Clock
color b
: Clock
echo Current Date: %date%
echo .............
echo .............
echo Current Time: %time%
goto Clock
- Save the file as Clock.bat (Save it on Desktop or anywhere you like).
- Now you will see a batch file named Clock.bat
- Double click on it to see the result!
You can change the Title of the code. Look at the title- Dos Based Date and Clock. You can use any name instead of the blue part.
You can also change the color. Here I've used b for Aqua. You can use- 0 for black, 1 for blue, 2 for green, thus you can test 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, c, d, e, f. Each one will give you a different color
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